Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest

Walkthroughs and Guides
Annotated Maps
Zip file download of annotated maps for the game. You can also view the png version of each map on this page.
Text walkthrough; PDF format. Original author unknown.
Gamezebo Strategy Guide
Text walkthrough on Gamezebo.
IGN Strategy Guide
Text walkthrough on IGN.
Walkeekie's walkthrough
A complete video walkthrough on YouTube.
iztopher's Let's Play
A complete no commentary Let's Play on YouTube with timestamps of sidequests, important scenes, etc. in the descriptions. Full table of contents here.

Mount Orion Walk Cycle Patch
Created by Oak. Fixes a bug where the player’s sprite, when unmoving, will be shown in a “walking” animation frame instead of a “standing” pose.
Aveyond Chest Patch
Created by Princessbinas. Moves a previously inaccessible chest to a nearby accessible location.
Druid Dialogue Patch
Created by Princessbinas. Enables some dialogue that was not triggered correctly in the game.
Hind Dialogue Patch
Created by Princessbinas. Enables some dialogue that was not triggered correctly in the game.
Galahad Dialogue Patch
Created by Princessbinas. Corrects the quest trigger of Galahad's manor dialogue.

Facesets Goodie
Gives instructions and artwork to swap versions of facesets. Works on any version of the game!
God Goodie
Combines the Gold, Guild, and Level goodies. Works with Build B/C.
Gold Goodie
Get 100,000 gold. Works with Build B/C.
Guild Goodie
Get every Guild spellbook for Lars. Works with Build B/C.
Level Goodie
Gain 50 levels. Works with Build B/C.
In addition to the downloadable goodies, there are three goodies built into the game. In order to activate these, you just need to interact with a hidden spot in the game. Click on the screenshot to open them in full size!

Traveling Runes
Unlocks traveling runes across the game to easily teleport between cities. Traveling runes will appear in shops and outside of the Sun Temple once you've used this goodie.