Aveyond 2: Ean's Quest

The Aveyond 2 title screen: two elves, Ean and Iya, embrace each other. Iya cradles a glowing orb in her hands. A castle looms in the background. Saddled with feelings of inadequacy, young elf Iya Tiki is visited in her dreams by a mysterious woman who promises to whisk her away to the Land of Man, where she will be powerful and beloved. The next day, Iya is gone and nobody remembers her existence... except for her best friend Ean, who sets out to find her.


Walthroughs and Guides

Walkthrough - Shaz, Tiniponi and Whisperingmist
Text walkthrough by Shaz, Tiniponi and Whisperingmist; PDF format.

Walkthrough - Amaranth
Text walkthrough from Amaranth Games; PDF format.

Gamezebo Strategy Guide

Casual Game Guides Walkthrough

Walkeekie's walkthrough
A complete video walkthrough on YouTube.

iztopher's Let's Play
A complete no commentary Let's Play on YouTube with timestamps of sidequests, important scenes, etc. in the descriptions. Full table of contents here.


Sphere Goodie
Get every sphere for Iya. Works with Version 2.

Party Goodie
Be able to keep both Nicolas and Gavin in your party. I've personally had some issues with this goodie, so I made a patched version that should resolve the issue. Works with Version 2.

In addition to these downloadable goodies, the game has built-in goodie caves.

Goodie Cave Guide
A video guide to the locations of the goodie caves (armor, weapons, levels and gold).
