Aveyond is an indie RPG Maker game series created by Aveyond Studios/Amaranth Games. The first game, Ahriman's Prophecy, is a freeware prequel and isn't officially titled as part of the Aveyond series.
- Ahriman's Prophecy
- Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest
- Aveyond 2: Ean's Quest
- Aveyond 3: Orbs of Magic
- Chapter 1: Lord of Twilight
- Chapter 2: Gates of Night
- Chapter 3: The Lost Orb
- Chapter 4: The Darkthrop Prophecy
- Aveyond 4: Shadow of the Mist

Learn more about each game at the Games page!
Set in the high fantasy, anachronistic universe of Aia, each Aveyond game centers around a protagonist inevitably tasked with saving the world. The series is spread out over hundreds of years, with each individual game functioning as a stand-alone story but featuring callbacks, recurring locations, and a few recurring characters (both as cameos and party members).
The games are fun, goofy, and I would argue examples of RPG Maker fantasy at its best. The maps are well-made and fun to explore, and the characters, while often bare-bones, have incredibly fun concepts behind them. The stories are generally simplistic, but frequently play with fantasy/RPG tropes in interesting ways. If you're someone who likes fleshing out storylines and characters for yourself as you play a game, these games are perfect for you - the ideas are compelling but leave you a lot of room to work with.
If you're interesting in playing the games, I have a buying guide on the website.

This Site
Although often neglected in histories of the RPG Maker scene, the first Aveyond game was among one of the first commercial Western RPG maker games, and the series played a formative role in English-speaking, high fantasy focused RPG Maker communities.
In addition to its absence from general RPG maker fan communities, the official website has pared down significantly over the years, going from a niche but lively forum and tangled web of blog posts to just a forum, to finally just a storefront for the series itself. In this (rather sudden) process, tons of fanworks, resources, and history was lost.
Essentially, it makes me sad that so much about Aveyond has disappeared, so I decided to make my own website to preserve and share what I can. In the immediate future, the Archive page will share interviews, reviews, and other interesting tidbits I've saved over the years, and the Resources page will include links to various places to find information about the games, walkthroughs, etc. In the long term, I hope to write my own walkthroughs for the games to help new and returning players.

I'm Iz, short for iztopher (she/they), or Darwin, not short for anything! I've been obsessed with Aveyond since I first played it back in like 2007.
I try to be more of an unbiased archivist style fan on this site, but if you want to see me gush about my favorite characters, write fanfic, etc., you can check out my personal site!