Your one stop shop buying guide for the Aveyond series! (I'm not affiliated with any of these websites, I just want to help people get into the games.)

TLDR Recommendation:

  • For Mac and Linux: Unfortunately, there isn't a port of Ahriman's Prophecy, so you'll have to look for a let's play or use an emulator/virtual machine/Wine. For the Aveyond series proper, I recommend the series bundle from Radial Apps for the most bang for your buck.
  • For Windows: If you can afford it, buy the games from the official site the support the creators most directly. If you're looking to buy the series while spending the least amount of money, buy the Aveyond Saga bundle from Steam while it's on sale, and get Aveyond 1 and 2 from Big Fish Games.

Official Website (Windows)

Ahriman's Prophecy is free to download on the official website! Otherwise, the games are most expensive here (the 20+ hour games cost $20 and the 10+ hour games cost $11), but I highly recommend purchasing them there if you can to support the creators directly.

Big Fish Games (Windows)

All games on Big Fish are $10, and you can get your first game purchased on the site for $3! They also have regular sales that bring the games down to $3/$5 a pop.

Steam (Windows)

Steam unfortunately only has Aveyond 3 and Aveyond 4. Individually, each Aveyond 3 chapter is $10 here, and Aveyond 4 is $15, but you can buy all of them in a $47 "Aveyond Saga" bundle and save 15% in the process. Like Big Fish, they also have regular sales.

Radial Apps (Mac and Linux)



RadialApps has ported the entire series (starting with Aveyond 1, not including Ahriman's Prophecy) for Linux and Mac! For both versions, Aveyond 1, 2 and 4 all cost $5.99 each, and each chapter of Aveyond 3 costs $4.99. Alternatively, there's a $18.99 Aveyond 3 bundle, and a $35.99 bundle that includes every game in the series.

Google Play Store (Android)

RadialApps has also ported the series to mobile Android devices. On the Google Play Store, Ahriman's Prophecy is free for download, Aveyond 1 and 2 are each $5.99, and each chapter of Aveyond 3 is $4.99. Unfortunately, Aveyond 4 is not currently available.