Aveyond 3-2: Gates of Night

The Aveyond 3: Gates of Night title screen: Mel, a thief with black hair and a large yellow blow, stands behind a tree clutching a dagger. Her gaze is on a golden orb in the nearby clearing. A cloaked figure stands further back in the woods. In this direct continuation of Lord of Twilight, Mel fights her family's destiny as she searches for the Quarter Keys to obtain the Orb of Light.


Walkthroughs and Guides

over_cloud9 walkthrough
Text walkthrough; PDF format.

Walkthrough and Cheats
A text walkthrough hosted on Casual Game Guides; includes annotated maps.

DerEider RPG Guide
A text walkthrough, hosted on Steam.

TheDailyMoogle's Let's Play
A complete video Let's Play on YouTube.

Walkeekie's walkthrough
A video walkthrough on YouTube. Unfinished, but covers most of the game.


Gates of Night's goodies are built into the game as goodie caves.

Goodie Caves
A guide to the location of the Goodie Caves (increase levels/gold/skills; best armor and weapons), hosted on Steam.